STYLe NOTEs blog

Has Your Style Mojo Gone AWOL? Why it Happens and How to Get it Back

Do you find yourself standing in front of your wardrobe, feeling uninspired and lost when it comes to your personal style?

There are lots of reasons why it happens, but if your fashion sense seems to have left the building, it can have a significant impact on self-esteem and confidence.

The good news is that you can get it back! Read on for practical tips on how to reconnect with your personal style.

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Midlife Style - Does it Really Exist?

I believe that age has no bearing on personal style, and the idea that fashion is only for the young is rubbish. Gone are the days when women were expected to fade into the background as they reached what was described as ‘middle age'. I think it’s an opportunity to express yourself though clothes, embracing your individuality without the pressure to dress a certain way or conform to unrealistic body standards.

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