Midlife Style - Does it Really Exist?
in a culture obesssed with youth and trends, it’s easy to feel that style is harder to achieve after a certain age.
Do you feel like you’ve been left out in the cold by fashion?
I believe that age has no bearing on personal style, and the idea that fashion is only for the young is rubbish. Gone are the days when women were expected to fade into the background as they reached what was described as ‘middle age'. I think it’s an opportunity to express yourself though clothes, embracing your individuality without the pressure to dress a certain way or conform to unrealistic body standards.
Midlife can bring with it challenges and change including bodyshape, lifestyle and evolving personal taste. The clothes you wear and the way you style yourself can be a powerful tool in helping you adapt and embrace these changes and feeling positive about life.
So, how do you navigate fashion and find your midlife style sweet spot? Here are 5 things to think about -
embrace your bodyshape
These changes can be significant and really affect the way you feel in clothes that you used to feel good in and enjoyed wearing. To gain self acceptance you need to find what works for you now and makes you feel confident in the body you’re in. I can help you discover the jackets, tops, dresses or jeans that make you feel good and that you enjoy wearing.
When you make the effort to dress well, you’re subconsciously telling yourself that you matter and that your life is important.
2. adapt to your lifestyle
A change in lifestyle or shifting priorities - due to career advancement, going self employed, reducing your working days, more family responsibilities or new interests - can mean that you need a new kind of wardrobe.
You may have formal workwear that is redundant now and need a more versatile, smart casual collection of key pieces that feels more modern and stylish and will bring your wardrobe up to date.
3. confidence is key
With age comes wisdom, or so the saying goes… What is definitely true is that feeling comfortable and confident about how you look has a profoundly positive impact on your overall wellbeing.
If you’re stuck in a rut and struggling to shake off old habits, I can help you experiment with new styles, colours and accessories that you wouldn’t have tried before but reflect your taste and personality. Learning how to express yourself in the way you dress and be who you really are is incredibly empowering.
4. rethink your brands
Have you fallen out of love with your go-to brands or have they disappeared all together? The high street is undergoing big changes and it can be hard to know where to shop for clothes that ‘feel like you’.
Take some for some online research to explore new brands and don’t automatically discount those that you think are too young (or too old). It’s all about knowing the right styles and how to wear them.
5. quality over quantity
Rather than spending money on lots of cheap, low quality clothes, think about spending the same amount on fewer, better quality pieces that will stand the test of time.
Adjust your mindset to the quality over quantity principle. Investing in well-made timeless key items that you wear and wear will actually save you money in the long run as they will last longer and you’ll always feel good when you wear them.
It’s not about chasing trends or trying to look younger. It’s about finding what feels right for you and not needing to conform to ‘rules’ about what to wear when you reach 40, 50 or 60.
The only thing to remember is to have fun and wear what you feel like!
I work with midlife women to create stylish, functional wardrobes that make them look and feel fabulous! Please get in touch if you want to find out more about how it would change things for you.