Why You Need to Simplify Your Wardrobe

Do you answer ‘YES’ to any, or all of the following questions;

• Is your wardrobe so full that it’s difficult to see what you have?

• Do you sometimes find things you’d forgotten you had?

• Are there clothes in your wardrobe that you don’t wear anymore?

• Are you hanging on to things you haven’t worn for a couple of years ‘just in case’?

• Do you feel guilty about having clothes which you’ve never worn?

If you do, let me tell you how tackling your wardrobe can make life much simpler and ease your stress.


Owning too many clothes creates decision fatigue, which is why you can end up wearing the same outfits on repeat yet feeling you have don’t have enough. Shopping to find the right outfits to fill the gaps becomes an ongoing cycle.

Anything that doesn’t fit is taking up valuable space. I always tell clients that their clothes need to earn their place in the wardrobe by fitting well, being in good condition, and bringing joy! Anything else should be donated, packed away or sold preloved.


Almost none of my clients need more clothes, they need fewer clothes that work better. Having a carefully curated collection brings a feeling of peace and clarity. I did it and can promise you that you will wear more of your clothes and enjoy them!


If you’ve downsized your wardrobe I’d love to hear how it’s changed things for you. Drop me a comment below!


Update Your Autumn Wardrobe


The perfect day dress