how to feel more positive by just changing a negative habits

For some people, January is a struggle and they find the post-Christmas come down, tax returns, winter weather and the imminent arrival of the credit card bill make them want to hibernate. Personally, I don’t mind January at all.

When I was little, I only had a few weeks until my birthday on February 6th so I started to get excited about that soon as Christmas was over. Now, I feel like it’s a fresh new start and I get a burst of energy (temporarily) and I get stuff done. I don’t make New Year resolutions as I think that often they’re too big and onerous and doomed to failure. When you can’t stick to them and fall off the wagon, you feel bad and de-motivated. Why start a new year like that?

Instead, think about making a few positive mindset changes that will boost your mood and make you feel good about yourself. You can build on them through the year and because you can’t fail or not reach your target, it’s making your life feel better.

Here are my 4 tips to make life better in 2023…

1. try something new

When I chat with clients about how they feel about their clothes, they often say that they’re stuck in a rut, repeat buy from the usual brands and are fed up wearing the same few clothes on rotation.

Time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new!

Try on a jumper or a coat in a colour you love but don’t have in your wardrobe. Try the style of boots that you’ve always fancied but never thought you could wear. Discovering new possibilities stimulates our senses, motivates and makes you feel alive. Whatever it is you try for the first time, you’ll come out being happier and more positive about life.

We should all do it more often!

2. stop comparing yourself to others

Comparison is the thief of joy.

Constantly comparing yourself to others leads to feelings of unworthiness and slow self-esteem. Rather than comparing yourself to someone who’s physically different to you, admire what they offer to the world, but then also appreciate what you have to offer the world in your own unique way.

We are all beautiful and can look attractive when we understand who we are, work with our unique features and express ourselves authentically. Focus on bettering yourself and boosting your confidence.

There is no one ideal of body shape, age or personal style that is the best. Take inspiration from others and use it to inspire your own style, looking in your wardrobe to see how you could interpret the looks you like.

3. Stop Saving Things for Best

Do you save certain clothes for occasions that never come up, and then they’ve gone out of style before you've had the opportunity to wear them? You go shopping and come home with a blouse, skirt or dress that you absolutely love, delighted that you found something that fits so well and makes you feel so good.  Fast forward six months, and it’s still hanging in your wardrobe with the tags on! It’s unworn because you’re saving it for a special occasion.

What is this mythical special occasion? Life is short and every day is special – so why not dress for it?

Think about your lifestyle when purchasing clothing and only purchase things that you will actually wear. If you aren’t a skirt person, don’t buy a skirt just because one day you might have to wear one. Don't waste your money or under use the things that you love by letting them go unworn.

Buy what you love and then wear it to death!!

4. organise your wardrobe

In my opinion, this is the single most positive thing you can do (and it’s without spending any money), to feel much more positive and in control of something that’s a big source of anxiety for a lot of women. You look inside your wardrobe at least once a day so why not make it a pleasure rather than a stressor?

  • There are lots of benefits of having an ordered wardrobe -

  • You'll find the items you are looking for faster

  • You can see what you have and be able choose your outfits more easily

  • You'll know everything fits you, therefore there’s less trying on and taking off again

  • It will be easier to keep it tidy

  • You'll know what you already own, curbing unnecessary shopping

  • You will start the day in a more positive way

If you make a proper job of it, this will take longer than you might think. Allow yourself plenty of time, methodically working through rails, shelves and drawers one at a time.

Having an organized wardrobe can result in big changes in style and personality. I promise.

If you’d like my help with putting this into practice and making huge positive personal changes, get in touch for a chat!


Are You Stuck in a Style Rut and Need to Climb Out?


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