Why you need a personal stylist

Five Really Good Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Personal Stylist

Forget any ideas you might have about Personal Stylists being only for stars, celebrities and those with unlimited budgets! I work with regular women and men of any age who are stuck with their style. Read on to see how I help people like you.


Do you feel that the way you dress doesn’t represent who you are on the inside?

Often the clothes you have in your wardrobe don’t match the image you want to project.

Clothes are a powerful form of self expression, and it’s important that your image reflects the authentic you and gives you confidence and makes you feel empowered.

Perhaps you have gone though a life changing event or you’re following a new direction, and your clothes no longer feel right for you or your lifestyle. A personal stylist will help you make the change you need.


Do you spend money on clothes you don’t wear?

Do you have clothes that have only been worn a couple of times, or still have the labels attached? If you have lots of clothes but struggle to make outfits, and buy more to try and plug the gaps, you will just be adding to the problem.

If you add up the money you have spent on these ‘wardrobe orphans’, you could have invested in a few carefully chosen key pieces that you will wear time and time again.

Hiring a stylist will require an initial investment, but it’s more affordable thank you might think, and it definitely saves money in the long run when you know how to buy strategically and selectively.


Does deciding what to wear take too much time and cause you stress?

If getting dressed in the morning is anxiety inducing or you start worrying about what you’re going to wear when you get an invite to an event, you’re probably experiencing wardrobe paralysis.

A personal stylist will help you rationalise and organise your wardrobe, keeping the clothes that work for you, fit well and make you happy.

They will suggest new ways of wearing what you already have, how to accessorise more effectively and help you create a shopping list for new pieces to update and maximise your wardrobe.

This cuts the decision making process right down, making life so much simpler and easier.


Do you want to look more fashionable and stylish?

Getting stuck in a style rut is a gradual process which can start for many reasons.

For example, when you don’t have the time to focus on yourself, you’re unhappy with your body shape or you discover a look that works and you repeat it over and over again. Before you realise it, your wardrobe has become boring and uninspiring.

Fashion is accessible to anyone, regardless of age. If you’re nervous about making mistakes, a personal stylist will show you how to navigate the trends and adapt them for your day to day wardrobe, giving your outfits a modern edge.


Do you avoid shopping as you don’t know what suits you?

Clothes shopping can be frustrating and overwhelming when you don’t really know what you’re looking for.

If you’re fed up of fruitless shopping trips, a personal stylist will analyse your body shape and colouring and know the styles, shapes and colours that will flatter you and make you feel great.

You will also learn about your style personality, which is influenced by the clothes you like to wear, the looks that appeal to you and your lifestyle. You might identify most with casual, feminine, dramatic or classic styles which will be reflected in your ideal wardrobe.

Once you learn what to look for, shopping will become a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.

So, if any of this resonates with you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!


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